Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Thoughts of Summer

The countdown is on. Facebook statuses have it. Hall white boards boast it. And everybody knows it. Summer is coming! On May 4th exams will be over and students will be free to go on Summer Break! Excitement is everywhere!

Right now I am on the verge of being done with all my assignments until finals. Today I turned in two 5 page papers, one notebook and gave one presentation. One paper to go, and I am free (until finals that is). And the timing is perfect. With the weather being absolutely gorgeous, it has just been hard to set aside time to study or write papers. Especially as I repeat to myself, "21 days, 21 days, 21 days!" (In case you were wondering, I haven't actually done that...)

For me Summer break comes after my trip to Budapest. Things are shaping up for the trip there and I am so excited to head back to Europe and especially to a new country and a missionary-kid school! (Ah! I can hardly contain my excitement!) I can't wait for the long flight, plane food, figuring out exchange rates, and not being able to understand the language around me. As weird as that sounds, it is strangely familiar and I've missed that in my life the past two years. (Sometimes I feel weird understanding everything people say around me, and not having to figure out the exchange rate in my mind before buying something... I know, weird.)

I also can't wait to be in the third grade class I was placed in. I got in touch with the teacher and she showed me a picture of the class. They look so great! I'm excited to have the privilege of being involved in their lives next month.

And then, then Summer will come. I'll have my first ever summer job. And Damarise and I will be enjoying every minute of summer. Today we talked about making a Summer Bucket List – all the things we would love to do this summer. If you all have any ideas I'd love to hear them! So far we have canoeing down some river, me learning how to drive and Damarise teaching me (it'll be an adventure), and cooking some new food. Maybe we'll plant a garden too. Who knows?

Now, with thoughts of Summer running through my head and more ideas for our Summer Bucket List, I will close. Enjoy the beautiful sunshine, the colourful flowers, and the chirping birds. And thank God for His wonderful creation all around us.

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