Janessa's Blog - Janessa, one of my closest friends here at Covenant, blogs for Covenant about life as a Covenant student. She tells stories of campus life – whether it be events, classes, or personal life. She's also an amazing writer, which makes the blog a must read!

Damarise's Blog – Damarise is my older sister. She is an amazing
older sister, and also an amazing photographer. She blogs every so often and when she does, I may be biased, but it's always great to hear about her life.
Six Year Med - I recently found this blog and have loved reading it. If you like anything related to doctors, medicine, or hospitals, you should read this blog. The author is an amazing writer and the stories she tells from her days at work can make you cry, laugh, or just be amazed at all a doctor does.
TJ's Blog - I don't know TJ, but I do know the orphanage he works at and I love his writing. He describes Mozambique just the way it is and finds the humorous side to everything. It is great.
Tim Challies - I love reading his A La Carte updates every day. He finds good news, random stories, and other good reads from various blogs. Definitely a blog to check out!
Other Friends' Blogs I read: