Ah, today was the last day of classes before Thanksgiving break. Right now I am sitting in my room typing out this post while glancing around at my packed bags sitting close at hand. Tomorrow Damarise and I head out for break. It'll be wonderful to get away for a few days, definitely a much need rest. As soon as this break ends we jump into high gear. End-of-the-semester papers will be due, projects will have to be finished, and then exams begins. Yes, these few days of break will be much appreciated!
Anyhow, without further adieu, here is what I am thankful for today:
- An amazing Doctrine professor. Ah! I just love being in Prof. Hutchinson's class. He is an amazing teacher and so passionate about what he teaches. His class is an hour and fifteen minutes long and always leave wishing his class could last hours longer. I have loved learning from him.
- A beautiful rainstorm and a thick blanket of fog covering the mountain this afternoon.
- A helpful professor who helped me see what I can do to make a paper better. Very helpful!
- The excitement that tomorrow I leave!
And, on that note... the traveling banana is off to travel once more :)
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