Saturday, October 02, 2010

It Would Be.

It would be that when I finally end a post with an apology for not going to write for a while, I would end up writing every day. But, I'm just in that mood where all I want to do is sit down and write. The only problem is, right now I don't have a whole lot to say. But I will scrounge something up from all of my many thoughts and put the pen to the paper, or in this case the fingers to the keyboard. (?)

Right now I am in Janessa and Megan's room. Janessa is napping and Megan is making a gift for a friend. The windows are open. The sun is shining. A slight breeze is blowing through the room. And the sound of a beautiful guitar is resonating through the room. Someone on the second floor is an amazing guitar player and it is nice to sit on Megan's bed and enjoy the beautiful noise.

Today is Saturday, and let me just tell you, I'm thankful it is! The weekends are great. It's a time to catch up on homework, study for future exams, and just slow down and breathe for a few minutes. Oh, and also to blog. Although, I have been finding time to blog recently... hmm... we'll see if that keeps up.

In other thoughts, I've been reading in Philippians for my quiet time. I love the book of Philippians. The other day I was reading Philippians 1:27, "For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain." Such a wonderful verse that shows Paul's desire was solely God. The center of everything was Christ! How amazing. As I was reading that verse it hit me that so often many of us just hold on to the last part, to die is gain. Yes, to die is gain because we will be with God, but how often to we do the first part of the verse. To live is Christ. Verse 27 goes on to say, live in a manner worthy of the Gospel of Christ. God has us on this earth for a reason. He saved us and called us His own for a purpose, and it isn't to please ourselves. It is to live in a manner worthy of the Gospel of Christ to glorify God and point to Him in all we do, so that we can truly say, like Paul, to live IS Christ!!

Anyways, there is my little blurb for the day. Janessa is up and we are about to head down to the gym for a little Saturday work out :) Should be good! Until the next time, which at this rate seems like it will be tomorrow :) So long!

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