Friday, December 07, 2007


Wednesday night Dad's family said he should get back because his dad (our papa) was dying. Our grandma said she would pay for his flight. Praise the Lord, the MAF (Mission Aviation Fellowship) caravan plane was up and was leaving the next morning so, Thursday morning at 6:30am dad left for Jo'burg. He got there safely! While he was flying someone from MAF called mom and told her that she had heard about Dad's situation and was praying for him, for Papa, and for the rest of us:) It was so sweet! And so encouraging to see the body of Christ working together like that! This morning we got an email from our Aunt Janiece saying that Papa had passed away at 6:10pm (MO time). She said she was singing "Amazing Grace" And then his breathing changed so she called in the rest of the family and then Papa opened up his eyes, took his last breath and then passed away. :( She said it was so calm, there was no struggling! We're gunna see him again in Heaven one day! :) So that is definitely something to be happy for! That he is out of his pain and in a better place, in the presence of our Lord and King!!! Please be praying for dad though. He is still in Jo'burg waiting for his flight to MO. I'm sure it must be very hard for him to be there grieving without any family there to comfort him. Please also pray for the rest of Dad's family, that maybe the death of Papa will open up there eyes and make them wonder where they are going when they pass away. Thank you SO much!
"The LORD is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit." -Psalm 34:18

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