Saturday, November 03, 2007

This weekend us girls decided our room was in need of a makeover:) so we decided to paint it.
Wednesday night we took all the pics off of our picture wall:P

Thursday we bought all the stuff, and Friday at 8am Damarise, Sarah and I started sanding.... well first we had to lay out a tarp...

Then sand,

then came the taping,

And sarah sang to us:o/ hehe....

And we scrubbed down the walls:P

Then mixed up the paint.... Tornado green:) hehe, there are some exotic colours here in mozzieland;)

Then came the painting! Alleluia! ;)

When we were on our last wall Bethy and Gracie came over to help us:) And we got dirty once they came;) hahaha... it was fun:)

Yeah for green hands!!! :)

That night the electricity kept going off and on... So we didn't do the bottom half of the wall. the next morning after a great breakfast of waffles with Dona Rosa's yummy fruit salad:) Then came the bottom half of the wall:) It smelled! but it was still fun fun fun :) hehe....

Sarah Ellen:)


Gracie and I :)


The finished project:)

Yeah!!! :) :)

And yep that was about all:) We had fun fun fun.... and now we're putting it our room back together:) Anywho, all in all it was a very very fun experience! :)

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