As January 1st, 2014 came suddenly upon us, I sat down and wrote out some goals for the year. There were several that I have already accomplished, and then there's the one where I told myself to "blog more: at least three times a week". As you may realize, that goal turned into an impromptu three month hiatus from this blog. Oops.
I've gotten back into running which has been exciting. Janessa convinced me to join the YMCA and I have thanked her multiple times since then. Not only is it great to work out frequently, but the locker rooms are heated and the shower never runs out of hot water. That may seem silly, but it is something I am very thankful for and take full advantage of!
I don't know what happened. But I'm back. Hopefully for more frequent updates and ponderings about life. I'm not going to make any promises though, because that's never turned out well for writing.
It's always a struggle to get back into blogging. Not because I don't have anything to say, but because I don't know where to begin. Should I jump into what's been on my heart lately or fill you in on the happenings of my life while I've been a blogging slacker? I tell you what, I'll just do a quick update of sorts on the happenings of my life, and within the week (hopefully!) I'll blog again about some of the things I've been thinking about recently. And (hopefully!) from there I'll break the ice and get back into blogging. Lots of hopeful maybes, but that's better that a 3 month break again, right? Phew. Alright, without further adieu- an overview of the past few months (with pictures!).
Subbing jobs have been trickling in every week. Whenever I have a busy week I get at least three more calls for available jobs that I have to decline because I have jobs on those days. I wish that would happen on my slow weeks, but I am grateful either way. I've been subbing more in middle school than elementary and I cannot get enough of it. Middle schoolers bring such joy and life into the classroom. They are independent enough to do work on their own, but their humor is starting to develop which makes for very fun times subbing. My favourite is a group of 8th graders that I started subbing for at the beginning of the school year. I've gotten the opportunity to sub for most of the teachers in the grade level and have fallen in love with the kids there. They are respectful and provide me with lots of laughter throughout the day.
I subbed for them on March 14th, which for math lovers or teachers is Pi Day (3/14). The kids' math teacher had numerous fun learning activities for the students as well as all the cookies and pies you could imagine. While this was thoughtful for the students, I was handed extremely sugared up kids for my period. Some were bouncing off the walls, while others had hit their sugar high and were crashing. It made for an amusing day and I loved it.
I'm currently looking for and applying for teaching jobs for next year. It is a process. And I would appreciate prayer.
The SchoolBox has been a wonderful job as well. I've gotten to work more hours, which has been great. I work with the most amazing group of girls there and I have loved getting to know them better and becoming friends with them. They are a blast to work with.
One of many girls nights at Jesse's house. |
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ELF Day at the SchoolBox. |
Damarise convinced me to sign up for my first official 5k! Tomorrow we will run in the Color Run which isn't a timed race, but more of a fun one. I'm excited to do it. We went running together last week and Damarise can still out run me any day, but we had fun. We also got a picture with the cop cars that she was learning how to drive.
I started taking a "Citizen's Police Academy" class which has been very eyeopening into what the Chattanooga Police do. I'll write more on that in another post, but it's been a neat experience.
And the last exciting news is that Damarise and I became doggy parents to the sweetest two year old dog. We got her Wednesday, named her Zulu, and have fallen in love with her. She is precious.
Alright. That is enough of an update. Hopefully now I'll get back into blogging more regularly…. hopefully!
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