Sunday, June 19, 2011

Father's Day

Today I'm thankful for my dad. God has blessed me with an amazing and godly dad! I'm thankful for the example that Dad has been in my life. He has showed me through his actions how to love others, how giving is much better than receiving, and how to show hospitality to all. He has taught all of us kids the truth of Scripture. He instructed us in how to discern between right and wrong. He has shown what it means to step out in faith not knowing where God will lead us. He is loving, encouraging, and caring. He can make anyone laugh. He is the most amazing Dad ever and I am SO thankful for him. 
Happy Father's Day, Dad! I love you SO much!

1 comment:

Whatleys' World said...

What an awesome family picture! You guys look great and you kiddos are GROWING UP!!!! :) Hugs.