The birds are singing, my windows are open, the sun is shining. And oh! what a beautiful day it is in the neighbourhood!
I. love. springtime.
The trees budding, daffodils bursting into bloom, and the perfect warm weather with a slight breeze. Ah, what a perfect season to come after winter.
This weekend brought in the first day of Spring and we spent every moment we could outdoors enjoying the Spring weather. (And yes, the first line of Mr. Roger's famous song may have possible been sung by me every time I stepped outside ;).)
We started off the weekend by eating outside at a BBQ restaurant.

We also went to a nearby park...

And "played" football. I realized, again, that I cannot throw a football for the life of me. A little boy joined us and could throw the football a lot better than me. Hm. I'm pretty sure he laughed at me every time I threw it.

The river was still a bit chilly...

But the city was beautiful. "A beautiful day in the neighbourhood" may be an understatement, because downtown Chattanooga was overly beautiful!

Sunday afternoon we had a wonderful time of worship and fellowship at church. After church, we got to Skype with our family. (A smiley face doesn't do justice to how we really looked... picture me and Damarise with the most ridiculous cheesy grins on our faces... we were pretty excited!) With the time change and Damarise and I in class or at work all day, the only time we get a chance to talk with the family is on the weekend. It was wonderful to catch up on their lives and hear about what is going on with them in Africa.
After skyping, we went to Cloudland Canyon to study outdoors in the, once again, beautiful weather.

Damarise and I found a katydid shell :)

The weather was great and the company was just as great.

The weekend ended, and Covenant College beckoned us back for another week of classes, papers, work, tests, and life.

But, it was a perfect weekend full of beautiful days in the neighbourhood.
1 comment:
Hah! I love that first picture of us at the Purple Daisy. Most of us are not very cooperative with the whole "smile" thing.
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