Saturday, February 12, 2011

And So We Had Mexican

It's a fact. I cannot keep a secret. Oh, I can keep a secret for a little while. And I can keep a secret from certain people. But, ask me to keep a secret from Damarise and you've just thought up a new super power for me.

And that is where our tale begins. A Monday afternoon in the Chapel department, Micah Skypes me to ask if I can keep a secret from Damarise. And without hesitation he proceeded to tell me the plan. Brilliant! That was my thought. Just brilliant.

He wanted to throw a surprise party for Damarise's 21st birthday, and I was in! He made the plans, while my job was to keep my mouth shut about anything related to a party. Hardest. Task. Ever!

There were multiple times throughout the week when something almost slipped, or where I wanted Damarise to join in with me about the happiness that would take place on her birthday. But alas, I couldn't say a word.

And this, ladies and gentlemen, is where the impossible happened. I, the one who can't keep a secret from Damarise, kept a secret from Damarise.

Today at 1pm we left Covenant College. We were heading down to a Mexican restaurant, or so thought Damarise. We stopped at Micah's house to "pick him up to go to the restaurant", at least that's what we told Damarise.

Instead we pulled up to Micah's house and were greeted by him and his mom. We were welcomed in and, with delicious Mexican food made by Micah, and wonderful friends given to us by God, we celebrated Damarise's 21st birthday.

Secret kept. Check. | Surprised Damarise. Check | Delicious Mexican food. Check.

Today was a good day.

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