Friday, November 19, 2010

'Twas the Week before Thanksgiving...

Thanksgiving is coming up in six days. I'm looking forward to being away for a few days, relaxing with the family, and seeing extended family who I haven't seen in about five years (which tends to happen when you've lived across the world for a few years ;) ). It'll be a good time to rest and to specifically set aside a day to give thanks to God.

I decided that in this week before Thanksgiving, I'll try, and hopefully will, post once a day about something I am thankful for. It may be something from that day, or just something that popped into my mind.

Today, I am thankful for:
  • The hat and scarf set that my amazing suitemate from last year, Kathleen, crocheted for me. It has been keeping me toasty warm on this slightly cold day.

  • Tissues, hot tea, and cough drops. Yep, I've caught the cold yet again. I'm thankful for an endless supply of hot water, for tea bags of many flavours, and for soft tissues for my chapped nose.

  • Chapel today. It was wonderful and refreshing. Dr. Eric Mason shared from 2 Peter 1:1-9. He was a great speaker and really preached the Word to us.

  • The weekend. I'm thankful for time to rest and hopefully get rid of this cold. I'm also thankful for time to work on projects that are due when I get back from Thanksgiving Break.

  • Janessa Chupp. God has blessed me with such an amazing friend! I love her. We always seem to be going through the same trials or joys, or thinking the same about a lot of stuff going on. I'm thankful for her godly perspective on a lot of life. She not only is encouraging, but also points out things in my life that should change. She listens to me, laughs with me, and challenges me in my walk with the Lord. She has been a huge blessing and I am SO thankful for her friendship.

  • Fingers :) Yes. I'm thankful for fingers! I'm thankful that I have the ability to type out this blog post, write with a pencil, and hold many things. Thank you God for fingers!
Well, that is all for now....

What are you thankful for today?

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