Happy, happy Thanksgiving! Oh, what a wonderful day to reflect on who God is and what He has done in just this past year. Wow! If I were to name it all, I know the list would never end. But, here is just a small list of the many things I am thankful for.
- My family. It is SO good to be with them right now. We all spent Thanksgiving day together, laughing, playing Rook, and eating :) It's been fun. I love being around them. They make me laugh a ton :) And they're just... great! Thank you God for two amazing parents and four absolutely wonderful siblings! I love them!
- God's Word. Ah! I am SO thankful that God is an unchanging God! I'm so thankful that He keeps His promises! I'm so thankful that His Word is true. I'm thankful that it never changes and that we have the privilege to read His Word.
- Another year at Covenant College. Being able to attend Covenant College has been wonderful. I'm so thankful that God has continued to provide for Damarise and I to go there. I'm thankful for all that I am learning in and out of classes. I'm thankful for the hall that God has placed me on, for the terrific friends that I have gotten to know, and for the classes that I have been able to be in. It has been a good year and I am so thankful!
- All the ways of communication: Gmail, Facebook, Skype, iChat, Blogger, and Gmail chat. It's been so nice to be able to communicate with friends and family so easily.
- Friends. God has blessed me with some pretty amazing people in my life. I am so thankful for all my friends near and far!
- My laptop.
- Good books.
- Hot water that never seems to shut off, actually, all water for that matter :) After living in Mozambique where you'd never know wether the water would be there or not, it is nice to know (for the most part) that there will be water.
- Electricity! Same as the water. I'm thankful that it's usually on :)
- The change of seasons. I have now gone through a full year in the US. I love having four seasons as opposed to two. I'm thankful for Spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter.
- Today. I'm thankful for the chance to celebrate Thanksgiving with the family and Uncle Dennis. I'm thankful that we can all be together under one roof. I'm thankful that God is the same yesterday, today, and forever! I'm thankful that He has sustained us and kept us today.
"Oh give thanks to the Lord, for He is good,For His lovingkindness is everlasting."Psalm 107:1
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