Tuesday, June 30, 2009


Saturday morning the Bennetts had us over for breakfast, lunch... and dinner :) It was a fun day spent with the Bennett family!! :)

We had some delicious blueberry pancakes for breakfast :) Mmm Mmm good!

For lunch we had watermelon. I'm not a huge watermelon fan, but this was delicious!

Everyone eating watermelon and spittin' seeds :)

Having a watermelon eating contest. I'm not sure who won.

Andrew vs. Andrew. Andrew Bennett won :)

The boys playing around.

Some of the fun games we played with the Bennett girls.

Damarise, Emily and Victoria playing Canasta :)

Emily. She's so pretty!

Victoria. She's beautiful!

Damarise. My amazing sister!

Victoria making breadcrumbs. It was hard work, right Victoria? ;)

Mom showing Mrs. Bennett pictures from Mozambique.

Damarise chopping onions.

Yummy! Look at those hamburgers!!

Andrew and Andrew.

Andrew and Ian.

Haha... Damarise.

Sarah! :D

Ah, yes. The gocart got stuck on a ladder and when we finally got it off it pulled Andrew B. away with it. Haha, Emily finally got it to stop :)

Damarise going for a ride.

Emily's feet and the luscious green grass! I love the grass here in the US!

Damarise zooming around.

Two amazing and beautiful sisters!

The boys.

My turn! :) It was good driving practice. ;)

Sarah went super fast.

What amazing friends God has blessed me with!

Thank you Bennetts for the fun day! I had a wonderful time visiting with you all!

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