Thursday, April 10, 2008

Wait, so what?

So, I was curious as to what malaria looked like in your blood. This is what I found! Ew! haha:P Yah, that is pretty disgusting! It literally blows up your red blood cells! Yikes! Anyways, as I was sick with the malaria I made up a poem. So, here it goes:

"Malaria, malaria
It's really no fun at all!
Malaria, malaria
Believe me, it isn't a ball!

One mosquito bite is all it takes,
to ill your body lickitty split
and after 10 days when the disease does wake
then your body feels quite sick!

Achyness from forehead to toe
fever raging in restless war
wishing it would all just slow
but alas it cannot do that for....

Malaria, malaria
eating the blood cells one by one
malaria, malaria
believe me, it is no fun, no fun, no fun!

Finally the medicine triumphs, 
the fever surrenders the headache adieus
all my being leaps for joy 
for I am free from that horrible bug!

Malaria, malaria, dead at last!
I hope, oh I hope that it never returns!
but if it does, I'll be prepared
And it will die just as soon as it begins!"

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