Sunday, March 02, 2008

Another goodbye

Wednesday, February 27th, 2008, Nana passed away. She was in the hospital and had some disease where there is too much (or to little.. i'm not sure) calcium in her body, and basically everything inside and out turned solid. Tuesday morning Nana couldn't talk but Mom called her and all of us kids said goodbye. That is about the hardest thing I have ever done. A whole flood of emosions just came over me. I mean here I was... here all of us were on the other side of the world saying goodbye to our Nana who, we thought wasn't a believer. Damarise started and choked up after, "I love you Nana." and I think it was the same for the rest of us. Anyways, it was hard. Wednesday, our aunt called and said that Nana had passed away. We do know though that she made a true confession of Faith in Christ before she died! God is good! Anyways,I will definitely miss Nana! She was the most caring person! She always wanted to know how YOU were, and what new things you were up to. And she never showed her anger. She was always thoughtful! When she would go shopping she was always looking for stuff for everyone else. And she was SMART! She would play the crossword puzzles in the newspaper and she had a WONDERFUL vocabulary and always had a wise saying or proverb for everything. Yes, I know a lot of people will miss her, but Praise the Lord we will see her again!

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