Sunday, March 11, 2012

Sprrring Brrreak!

Spring break has come and gone and it was fabulous! I couldn't have asked for a better, more restful, more fun break. It was chocked full of great memories. Here are just a few snapshots from the week.

We cooked meals...

Got entertained by Abby (Grandma's dog) who loved Davey...

We toured Kansas City... 

Saw some fun sights... 

Did some crazy things... 

Cooked some amazing meals... 

played lots of chess...

Enjoyed each others' company...

Laughed a ton...

Told stories, said great quotes, listened to music...

 and had an incredible time together!

I love these four and I'm so thankful for them! Spending a week together reminded me just how much God has blessed me with the friends He has put in my life. They are a blessing to me! And over break that became even more evident. I love laughing with them, being encouraged by them, just sitting down and talking for hours with them, watching movies and playing games with them, and just being with them. I'm thankful! God has blessed me! And Spring Break was beyond the best!

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