While waiting in the airport we got to see the sun rise above New York. Mm, what a beautiful sight. It reminded me of Lamentations 3:22-23, “Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for His compassions never fail.They are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness.” Isn't it wonderful that God's compassions are as sure as the sunrise. It never fails. What an awesome promise.
Our flight left on time and before we knew it we were up in the air bidding a fond farewell to New York. I was so tired that I slept for the whole two hours of flight time. When I woke up the pilot was announcing our arrival into Atlanta. Ah, back in Georgia again.
A good friend from Covenant offered to pick us up from the airport. It was wonderful! (and SO nice of him!!) While Damarise and I were waiting for him, we sat down in the airport to wait. I love sitting and waiting in airports. I love watching people hugging and smiling when their spouse, child, or friend gets off the plane. There's always so much joy in airports. I also love that airports are now playing Christmas music.
Before we knew it our friend was there to drive us home. We had a fun and relaxing drive back home. And, for now the Traveling Banana is taking a break from traveling. Passport and suitcase are safely tucked away while homework is everywhere. Papers need to be written, projects finished, and presentations presented before I can once again travel for Christmas Break. For now though, I'm happy to be back in Georgia.
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