Wednesday, February 11, 2009


I'm sitting here listening to ocean waves crashing up on the shore. Aw! So calm and peaceful! ... Things have changed SO much since two weeks ago. And I cannot stop praising God for His wonderful goodness towards us. God is good! And that is SO true! 

I would love to post pictures of the past couple of weeks, but we don't have the internet here to do that, so I won't bother telling everything we've done... I'll just wait for the better internet ;) But, while I'm on here I thought I should let everyone know where we are and what all is happening. 

Right now we are at the Palms. Sound familiar? We were here last May with the Woodrows. The Jouberts generously offered us their beach home again so that we could have some family time together in a nice peaceful environment. Actually, the Dr. who Ian has been seeing prescribed Ian to go to the beach to relax! Wow! What a prescription eh? Hehe, I wouldn't mind that one every once in a while ;) All that to say, that is where we are now... at the beach for a few weeks to unwind and spend time together as a family :) We've all been separated or all over the place for the past two weeks, so it is wonderful to spend time together again :) 

Okk, I think that's a long enough update for now :) Thanks again everyone for your prayers for Ian... I don't think I can ever stop thanking God or thanking you guys for your prayers for Ian. It's a miracle he's here today... and I'm SO thankful!!! 


Siân said...

Enjoy your beach time together.

greenehouse2003 said...

I'm so glad your family has had some precious time together and have been praying for the upcoming check up next week for Ian. I have been praying for a favorable report--that the Lord has completely healed Ian with no lasting effects from his illness!
Mrs. G