Thursday, January 17, 2008

"Actions speak louder than words."

I have heard this quote many of times, but today as it entered my mind I pondered it for a bit... and here's what I was thinking;) 
Here in Mozambique, where the national language is Portuguese, and considering my Portuguese isn't even close to being perfect, actions do speak louder than words *since the words don't really come out;)* And how important our actions are!
"By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another."-John 13:35
It's not by the words we say, but by our love! I guess it kinda caught be off guard. Cause it's easy to say nice things and not mean it, but to be showing love... wow! it's especially important for here where that is all the Mozambicans watch us since we can't communicate that well! Anyways, actions do speak louder than words! And the quote:
"go the extra mile; it's never crowded"
Well, I think we should all be striving to do more. To show more love... For all men will know that we are followers of Christ by our love! 

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