Monday, June 19, 2006

4 weeks till we move....

It seems so unbelievable! I remember about 6 months ago, coming into Fall River and thinking, "Oh man where have we ended up now!" I remember not being able to wait until we were to move again. But the days just crawled by. Then in the first week God had provided us with a house. Sunday at church the de-Oliveira's invited us over fro lunch that week. We went there, and met Rejane, who is now my friend here:) I remember hating this place. It was just to busy. I was, although i hate to admit it, a big ol' complainer. And now the 6 months seemed to have flown on by. It seems like yesterday that all of that happend. Right now my life feels like a rollercoaster, the part where you are slowly clicking up to the big hill. You're scared, but yet soo thrilled it is just a bucket full of mixed feelings. You think you know whats coming, but you just never expect what comes next, it's either not as bad as you thought, or way worse. Right now my life is sad becuase i'm leaving another friends, but at the same time over joyed because i get to see all my other friends. It feels like I know what's coming but yet I know I won't be prepared to say good bye again. Not just for a year or less, but 3 years. It's so much to think about. I'm at the point, on a roller coaster, where I just sit there listening to the monotonous clicking of the car that I'm in; just holding on with my eyes shut, wishing it would be over. Yes, right now I am clinging to my Saviour, trusting Him for everything. Knowing that He knows everything, and He will do everything for His glory, and that I need to stand firm in Him through everything. And like Isaiah 41:13 says, I don't need to fear because he is with me!!!!

" For I am the LORD, your God,
who takes hold of your right hand
and says to you, Do not fear;
I will help you."
Isaiah 41:13

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