1). Permit! This is something that I am very excited about! Some nineteen year olds, okay who am I kidding, most nineteen year olds have been driving for several years, but alas I have not. In fact, I haven't driven all that much. This Summer I officially made it out of the parking lot stage and have slowly been working my way up towards the highway. But, I needed to renew my permit and that was done last Friday! I am thrilled! This permit didn't come simply though, oh no, there is a tale involved as well. It goes like this:
Once upon a time Hannah got very excited to get her permit renewed and to finally be a resident of a state. She couldn't wait. Along came a day, Thursday, when both Damarise and Hannah were off work. This was great because it meant that Damarise could drive Hannah to the DMV. (Which Damarise willing did!) Excitement was everywhere. Janessa came along to witness the exciting occasion. Unfortunately, after the 45 minute drive, filling out paper work, and waiting in line, the DMV lady told Hannah that she did not have the correct proof of residency. And with sadden hearts the three friends left the DMV. Damarise was busy the next day, so she could not take Hannah.
But along came another great friend, Micah, who said he would be willing to take Hannah to the DMV. Hannah was very grateful! And so, another 45 minute drive, lots of paperwork, waiting in line, and correct proof of registration and Hannah was given her permit! Excitement was back!
... Hopefully it won't be too long until that permit is traded in for a license!
A HUGE thank you to Damarise and Micah for making this happen! You guys are AMAZING! |
2). Puppet! Elementary Education is so great! Last night I made this puppet in class. It was so fun! And along with the fun, I learned a lot about including students in art, encouraging students in their artistic endeavors, and how to teach art. This class is great!
There we have it, two P words. Puppet and Permit. Exciting!
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